On December 6, 1980 in Nashville, TN, the first meeting of the NASOA was held. Elected to the board were Daryl Ellenbaum, Shelly Swift, Dave Hager, Sam Simmons and Susie Luedtke. 24 members were present at this first meeting. Four Years later it was decided to incorporate into a Non-Profit Association and that is when the North American Sled Operators Association better known as the NASOA was established on 9/04/1984 by Sam Simmons, Dave Hager, Susie Luedtke, Tom Lashmett, Glen Bright, and Andrew Main.
President- Dave Hager 386-679-6361
Vice-President- Vaughn Bauer 515-968-4179
Secretary- Steve Zimmer 740-410-1224, 740-336-1319
Treasurer- Jeff Solley 724-336-4460
Joe Singer 937-547-1965, 937-459-0376
Dan Nearpass 517-278-4158, 517-795-5230
Director of Inspections
Steve Zimmer 740-410-1224, 740-336-1319
Larry Richwine 317-750-3023